Society of Security 2010

The 2009-2010 project of the Working Group on Globalization and Culture was entitled Society of Security. It was presented at the Humanities Institute at SUNY-Stony Brook, at the American Studies Colloquium at Yale University, and at the 2010 Crossroads in Cultural Studies conference.

Working Group on Globalization and Culture, Society of Security, 2010.1

The Long History of “Homeland Security,” Eli Jelly-Schapiro, 2010.2

“…for the sake of national security”, Henriette Rytz, 2010.3

Postsocialist Nostalgia for Security, Rossen Djagalov, 2010.4

Narrativizing Security, Raisa Sidenova, 2010.5

Tools of Discipline, Monica Muñoz Martinez, 2010.6

Striking Security, Michael Denning, 2010.7

Securing Serviceable Bodies, Yenisey Rodriguez, 2010.8

Eli Jelly-Schapiro, The Long History of “Homeland Security”

Henriette Rytz, “…for the sake of national security”

Rossen Djagalov, Postsocialist Nostalgia for Security

Raisa Sidenova, Narrativizing Security

Monica Muñoz Martinez, Tools of Discipline

Michael Denning, Striking Security

Yenisey Rodriguez, Securing Serviceable Bodies

Striking Security

by Michael Denning on September 17, 2015
Is the security guard the representative worker of neoliberalism? Over the last fifty years, private security workers have come to outnumber public security workers, as the multinational private security industry has grown rapidly, the product both of the privatization of policing, the marketing of “security...