Social Movement Activism after Yale, a series of conversations with Yale graduates active in social justice movements.
A Conversation with Javier Morillo (‘91) on his organizing work for an SEIU local in Minnesota.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009, Ezra Stiles College
Co-sponsored with ER&M and Ezra Stiles College.
Eunice Hyunhye Cho, “Building Bridges, Dismantling Borders: Working for Social Justice After Yale.”
Eunice Hyunhye Cho (CC’00) is BRIDGE Project coordinator at the National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights. She has co-authored the award winning BRIDGE: Building a Race and Immigration Dialogue in the Global Economy: A Popular Education Resource for Immigrant & Refugee Community Organizers (2004).
Wednesday, Feb. 9, 2005 4:30 pm
Master’s Tea, Ezra Stiles College
Co-sponsored with Ezra Stiles College